How to find TV player ip address

If the automatic search for your TV decoder did not work, the last solution is to manually enter its IP address in the application.

Here’s how to find it:


  1. From a device connected to your Livebox’s network, type livebox / or in the address bar of your internet browser.
  2. Identify yourself. The login should be admin and the password, if you haven’t changed it, should correspond to the first eight characters (without spaces) of the Livebox security key.
  3. Once identified, search for then select the “My connected devices” category.
  4. All the devices connected to your Livebox then appear. All you have to do is select your TV decoder.
  5. The ip address appears in the page presenting the details of your TV decoder.

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Développeur mobile indépendant

Développeur mobile Android et iOS, je suis à votre disposition pour répondre à tout type de projets.
Passionné par les technologies mobiles, je mets toutes mes compétences et mon expérience au service de vos besoins.

Romain Bouchaud

86 rue de Paris 60600 Clermont
